Endovascular methods of surgical treatment of atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities

MD Mikola Melnichuk

12 october 2023
Hall “Paris”

Mikola Melnichuk

 Vinnitsa regional clinical hospital named by M.I.Pirogov

Doctor of the highly specialized clinical center of cardiovascular surgery and endovascular surgery with an intensive care unit

Higher category in radiology

Experience in endovascular surgery – 18 years

The number of surgical interventions performed on peripheral arteries is about 800

Endovascular methods of surgical treatment of atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities

 -Duration 30-40 min.

– Modern indications for endovascular interventions in pathology of the arteries of the lower extremities.

– The main types of endovascular interventions in acute and chronic ischemia.

-Techniques of endovascular interventions.

-Questions and Discussion… // // Copyright © 2023